presentation of the
elais project

With the support of the Erasmus + program of the European Union


the objective of the
elaïs project

the elaïs project

in more details

Reinforce the power to act of individuals in the service
of their achievement and the security of their journey

The project is part of the sectoral objective of establishing a new and systematic educational approach: it consists in developing an educational model of professional guidance based on a multimodal approach integrating digital : digital should not be seen as an additional educational tool but as an object impacting the educational approach in a systemic way. The project is also a part of the professional development of trainers / consultants in professional guidance because it aims to strengthen the capacity of trainers / consultants to act within the framework of this refounded model.

The project aims to provide professional guidance stakeholders with the tools and methods of professional guidance acting on two levers by integrating digital into a multimodal systemic approach : empowerment and enhancement of final beneficiaries (job seekers, employees, people with disabilities, etc.). The valorization is done by taking account of their informal skills and their transverse socio-emotional skills (soft skills).

The model developed seeks to register the act of orientation as a pedagogical act in the formative sense. Also, by refining the framework of a shared analysis of the situation of the beneficiary and by basing itself on a repository of skills to orient (to create), the project aims to produce educational materials, embedding the digital tool.

In this sense, the project responds first and foremost to the horizontal priority « Open and innovative practices rooted in the digital age« .

In addition, in a professional environment of hitherto unequaled uncertainty and face to almost permanent economic changes, professional trajectories are no longer linear and modify the perception of individuals about the methods and meaning of work. Entrepreneurship is a regular part of the strategies or professional stages in the life of more and more active… However, most support focuses on the technical-economic dimension of projects and very rarely on the human-capital dimension, human / project adequacy.

The project aims to provide trainers / consultants with pedagogical approaches and specific digital tools to support entrepreneurship projects in order to allow beneficiaries to consider this project as an orientation, objectively.

Identify, value and recognize informal skills and
socio-emotional transversal skills to value individuals!

Firstly, we observe that professional trajectories are becoming more and more untied and learning situations are increasingly heterogeneous. Secondly, according to some studies, 45% of current trades will no longer exist within 10 years and will be replaced by professions that don’t exist yet.

Also, the traditional approaches in terms of portfolio skills are less and less adapted to the profiles and needs of the accompanied people. The objective of the project is to provide tools to identify and develop informal skills for their beneficiaries to trainers/consultants. It seeks to develop open badges logics around these achievements to favorize transversality and their recognition in the process of recruitment or valorization by the formal system.

In addition, and beyond technical skills, employers search to identify transversal skills, in particular socio-emotional skills (soft skills). However, professionals are deprived in terms of reference and tools allowing them to act with their beneficiary.

In this sense, the project is well aimed at the national priority relating to transversal skills and the horizontal priority, transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications.

During the period of implementation of all of these approaches and tools, the trainers / consultants of the partners will use, for themselves, some of the tracking tools and the valorization of their informal skills and will be awarded a digital badge attesting of their new skills.
An impact study on the beneficiaries and the trainers / consultants, accompaniers in professional guidance, will consolidate the multimodal professional guidance model, breeding ground of the actors professionalization.

when elaïs
becomes elaïs

From is real name, Elaís Z. is Argentinian. She has tutored for many years interns and new recruits of different nationalities in the functioning of her organization. She has experienced the digitalization of her profession and worked hard to integrate, with patience, the digital tool in her work by promoting to his work group.
Her benevolent, curious and amused look and her thoroughness in making her tasks evolve in a qualitative way are inspiring. Integration of digital in its professional practice, benevolent and fruitful welcome, work in a multicultural team, concern for quality … so many benchmarks that found our approach.

May the spirit of Elais inspire Elaïs !